So, I got asked to run in this du-athon thing. Huh. I looked at them in surprise. Why me? Why not you? I pointed out that I generally come in last on a run. “So?” they said. “This is about fun.” Riiight…running. Fun. Huh, again. They also added it’s a ‘team thing.’ Well, fuck…fancy willingly being in a team? I don’t do teams. I am a solo artist who enjoys individuality and I make no apologies for it. So running in a team for fun? Was that legal? I did contemplate the idea that at that moment I had stumbled into a parallel bizarre world universe where everything was the opposite of my own. But no. They were and are serious. As for me? Jeez, I don’t know. While I’ve been running at boot camp for fitness and yes, I’ve been killing myself trying to improve my time – which I have through sheer bloody minded determination - I just can’t see me running for a team of people...who take running seriously. Triple huh...
The things people ask you…
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