Thursday, 16 September 2010

Cold blooded murder...

Warning! This is an extremely violent video. Watch at your own risk. Why do I show it? Because a young woman was brutally killed just for being who she was. How does it affect us? We're human. We take for granted the freedom we have to be what we want to be – to think what we want to think. Other women are not so lucky. They are called adulterer or whore on suspect evidence. They are jailed, beaten or killed. The animals that stone or beat or kill these women are criminals. The men in this video are not human. They are a pack of rabid dogs bastardizing their religion in the name of keeping women under control. Yes, this video is horrifying. Truth is rarely pretty. Think how lucky you are. Say a prayer for this woman. At least she is at peace.


Sandra Cox said...

Unbelievably sad. And so wrong.

Sandra Cox said...

Unbelievably sad. And so wrong.