Saturday, 28 December 2013

Left foot yellow...

So, I had four stories half written then stuff happened and I had to put writing on hold. It was a no brainer. Life is more important than writing. Anyway, I finished one story and I’m pretty pleased that I have almost finished another – but for the sex. My standard way to write is to write all around the sex, sort of leaving a marker, highlighted in yellow, where sex is to go, with notes like – left foot on yellow circle, butt in air, in & out, up & down, dick stage left, boobs stage right, under, over, red rover, red rover, come play in the clover, ooh, baby, baby, oww, ooh, yeah, noooo, okay then, ahhhh….whoa…down girl, up boy, was it good for you…yes, no, yes, yes, yes….ahhhh…

Sex, it rarely makes sense. Highlight it in yellow and see where it goes.