I was re-formatting a story that I recently got my rights
back on and while I know that publisher sucked in so many ways, it never occurred
to me how ratshit their formatting was. Now, I, like most readers can forgive a
lot when it comes to formatting as mistakes happen and we’re all human but not the
over use of hyphenations for no bloody reason I can see other than they are too
frigging lazy to have smaller margins. For example: -
Hea-ven, Angel-ic, Dav-id, regret-ted, beauti-ful, dis-taste — and
these are just in the first couple of pages. Wreck the flow of the story much? You know, I’m no expert but that sucks coming from
a professional epub company who is undoubtedly charging the reader waaay more than
they should for a story that has more hyphenation than commas. Have I fix-ed the-m all? I beli-eve so.
Oh,no. I hate when I'm reading a book with a lot of hyphens...
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