Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The attack of the hambecks…

So, I was at the gym doing gym stuff – sweating, moaning, bitching – and I noticed, as I climbed up to trot along on one of the treadmills, that the TV monitors were all set so not only did you see the picture and hear it when you plugged in your handy dandy earplugs but they also had captions on screen. This meant that you could read everything that the god awfully perky morning TV people said. Interestingly enough what the perky morning people were saying did not match a lot of the words that were being typed there. Words like ‘consil,’ ‘Roncel’, ‘sonable’, 'yangherd' and ‘turhkd’ kept coming up on screen along with a lot of the word ‘attack’ and ‘hambeck’. What I understand from this, as I watched on avidly for the next attack of the hambecks, is that either the typist was a drunk (and or/an author) or a subliminal message was being sent to me. No, I don’t know what it was but I plan to be back on the treadmill tomorrow to learn more roncel, sonable, yangherd.


anny cook said...

What an interesting idea. I just thought the typists were drunk foreigners that didn't speak English. I never thought about subliminal messages. Hmmmm.

Sandra Cox said...

We get that too on our tv:)