Thursday, 30 June 2011

Come as you are…

So, I had lunch with a friend today and we got on to the topic of forming your own religion. Blasphemy? Nah, we were at Subway. Anyway, his basic idea is a religion based on wearing a mask that covers most of your face. It would be a religion for men only and it would be called Orroz. Why Orroz? Well, that’s Zorro backwards. Zorro = mask = Zorro. We did discuss the moral, ethical, philosophical, sexual and dress code of Orroz and you know what? It’s bloody hard starting your own religion. It’s going to be a work in progress. The religion I’d start? Amarindarism and other than wearing black and subtly undermining Orroz because it’s an all-male based religion and it would be fun to infiltrate and toy with men as only women can, we basically would do what we liked…you know, like everyday life.

Religion – do as you believe and come as you are…it’s all up to you…