Monday, 17 September 2012


So, I was talking to a friend about lots of stuff but one of the subject was lovers and the tokens people sometimes take to remember the person…actually, I initially started  talking about Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton – and no, that wasn’t love but the conversation actually started with Hillary, who I admire and it came around to the errant intern and the randy President. Anyway, I said what sort of a woman would have kept ‘that dress’ and then we went on from there with tokens that people might take to remember a lover. There’s lots of stuff and most of it wasn’t wrong and in many ways in was quite sweet and romantic. Me?  I take nothing but the memory of a bloody good time….less chance of getting in trouble that way. 


anny cook said...

I suspect the older we get, the fewer tokens we require...

Sandra Cox said...

Maybe she was trying to save on her dry cleaning bill........