Sunday, 15 April 2012

A girl thing?

So, boy band One Direction is in Australia and masses of girls are screaming, fainting and generally hysterically trying to do dumb things to meet boys that they probably wouldn’t do more than giggle over and screech at if they met them face to face. Ah, I remember those days. Me and a couple of friends inadvertently stumbled upon a well know Aussie pop star a million years ago and for a week we were famous because we touched him. Yeah, I’ve felt fame, baby.

Anyway, I was thinking to myself, do teenage boys feel threatened by the intense adoration of girls for these boy bands? Some of them would have girlfriends screaming over these pimply demi-gods…have you noticed that said demi-gods all have hair that seems to be brushed the wrong way? What’s that about? If I do that my scalp hurts. But back to my question, do teenage boys suffer the same pain of unrequited love for the totally-never-going-to-happen-unattainable popstar? Do they secretly want to scream over whomever the hottest, hair bushed backwards, singing teenage girl sensation but they man up and keep it inside or are they too busy brushing their hair backwards?



anny cook said...

Good question...

Sandra Cox said...

Good question. I'm betting they're busy brushing their hair backwards:)