Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Things that make you go hmmmm...

Last night I had the weirdest multitude of freaky, crazy, WTF dreams that I seriously had to wonder if my yoghurt had been spiked with wacky weed. Supposedly it’s my subconscious trying to tell me something important and that appears to do with Mexico, rain, a talking parrot, a complicated man, knees, a box, car parking, flowers, a telephone that doesn’t work, a broken pen, a narrow corridor, a towel and an elevator with purple carpet. So, taking all that on board and combining that with years of my own hard won wisdom and experience, I have come to the thoughtful conclusion that I probably won’t sleep tonight.


Luci.Calanor said...

My fave dreams are the ones that are so ridiculously complicated and hard to follow that they might as well be French Indie films...

Sandra Cox said...

Hope you were wrong and that you slept.