Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Greased nipples...

I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have typed in ‘greased nipples’ today. In a story you ask? No, at work. At a brothel pandering to nipple fetishes, you wonder? No, in a car/fleet mechanical type place where I’m temping. Lots of nipples get greased. And, cars have nipples. Who knew? And, in some ways I don’t want to know because I feel a car has a right to its private bits and pieces.

Anyway, I can tell you 99.9% of the mechanics cannot spell nipples, which is funny cause they’re men and men have a fondness for nipples. Most common spellings? Nipple’s, Nipels, Neppels and Nippals. Yes, nipples are a problem. Not just in the need or lust for them but in the spelling of them. I think maybe, in future, I will input them in as ‘greased pointy things'. Hell, I’m the temp. I can do stuff like...well, I can't but I do because life is short - so do stuff.


anny cook said...

Love it! And it's particularly appropriate because this is breast cancer month...

barbara huffert said...

Now that's too funny!