Come on, who's kidding who here? Do you think you would have taken a second look at me if you knew I was the maid? --Maid in Manhattan.
I decided, due to various reasons, to give myself a couple of hours break. So I slumped on the sofa with a couple of glasses of plonk, this cold Sunday arvo, and watched Maid in Manhattan. Yeah, I know it was made in 2002. And no, it’s not an Oscar award winning film but I liked it. And no, I don’t care if no one else did. Why did I like this? Firstly, I like what I believe is Jennifer Lopez. I like that this woman with hips and arse and boobs is out there being all that without worrying about being a size 2. I mean – frig – who is a size 2 unless they are 6 year old child? I do not believe women are overweight. I believe we are voluptuous and full of amazing potential. I identify more with these real women then the fashionistas with their Manolo Blahniks and whatever is the current fashion on their toothpick bodies. As for Ralph Fiennes – I have problems taking him seriously after the incident with the Qantas flight attendant, or hostie as we would call them in Oz, doing the mile high thing in the dunny (toilet) on an overseas flight. Also, like Elaine out of Seinfeld, The English Patient bored me to tears and yes I wanted his character to shut up and die and get us out of the cinema. ‘Kind of similar to a good friend/amateur actor who played Thomas More in A Man for All Seasons. It was really hard not to scream out ‘shut and cark it (die) already’ in his final act. It was long, long scene on stage and it tested one's loyalty. But I digress…I liked Maid in Manhattan because it reminded me of a period in my life when I was also doing the maid gig in a hotel. The staff, the patrons and management were all the same. To think you were more or could be above your ‘allotted’ position was parallel to treason. You were a pleb. I’m still a pleb and you know what? I like being a pleb. I like having no responsibilities. I like walking out of work at 4pm as the place is falling apart knowing only managers are required to stay back and fix whatever the problem is. I like the camaraderie, gossip and out and out bitching of plebs. Go the plebs.
The message of Maid in Manhattan is of course obvious. It’s a Cinderella fairytale of a woman rising above her so called ‘station’ and wanting someone or something in her life that may be considered above her. It’s about taking a leap of faith, maybe telling a couple of lies, calling in some favours and going after something you want. Yes, it’s a movie and life is not scripted like one but it made me think about a few things I was hesitating taking a leap at. It’s about saying “fuck it, I’m going to do it and if I fall on my arse so what?” 'Got something you want or someone you want to be with but you think you will never be able to have it or them ? Take the leap – you may land like a practiced Ballerina on you dainty little toes and people may applaud your skill or you may fall on your flabby butt and people will do the eye roll thing – but hey, as I always say – that’s what cellulite is for. Will I take a chance? Oh hell yeah. Will you? Sometimes it’s the simplest things that push you…
To serve people takes dignity and intelligence. But remember, they are only people with money. And although we serve them, we are not their servants. What we do, Miss Ventura, does not define who we are. What defines us is how well we rise after falling – Maid in Manhattan
Damn straight.
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Go ahead: Live with abandon. Be outrageous at any age. What are you saving your best self for?
Excellent reminder and very well timed too. Thanks, AJ.
I enjoyed Maid too. As always, great blog.
Maid is another movie still on my 'to-be-seen' list. Glad you enjoyed it:)
Ah. Every so often a simple, fun movie and a glass of plonk are exactly the thing!
I like Maid in Manhattan. :-)
Right now, I wish I wasn't a manager. The responsibility is weighing heavy and I wish I could leave when everybody else does. But there's a pride factor and I need the $ so I'll muddle through.
JLo looks pretty awesome to me. Who cares if she's a size 2 or whatever?
Most times is a good thing to let others do the worrying. Leaving the responsibility to someone else can be very freeing. The thing I like most about J.Lopez and Beyonce and several others, is they are themselves and not starving to be someone else.
Excellent blog, Miss Amarinda! A lot of truth in it!
I have a lot of those littel romances that aren't going to stun the critics, but are comfortable and fun to me.
I managed to avoid the English Patient. Unfortunately he's now starring in a popular kiddie film franchise and every time I see him I can't help but think "Eeww, some flight attendant had sex with Voldemort in the bathroom."
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