Thursday, 21 June 2012


In 2008, I had a choice to take a job with the cops – admin type stuff though I would have been good at enforcing stuff – or work at a company that made windows and doors – accounts stuff. I didn’t start out in accounts. I muscled my way into that – and that’s another story - but I took that job with that company due to the fact that the job with the cops was being handled by an agency and they couldn’t work out a start date and I’m not one to wait around while others stuff around. That one decision changed my life in phenomenal ways. I’m a great believer in karma…in fate. We are thrown into often competing paths of action and one draws us more than the other. At the time we can’t think why. If not for choosing the job I did and subsequently end up in Cairns after chatting to crazy Cairn-ites, I would probably still be in Brisbane hating the traffic, the city and searching for whatever the hell I was searching for. It would be terrible to think of not knowing the people I know now.

Maybe karma can be considered a bitch. I consider it a saviour. I cannot wait to see what else happens in my life…


Sandra Cox said...

I can't either. You go, woman.