Sunday, 7 June 2009

It’s the Queen’s birthday…

…weekend in Australia. What does that mean to Australians? A day off to play sport, go camping, travelling, relaxing etc. I am sure someone gives a rat’s arse about a privileged, English monarch who has done stuff all* for any Australian but they would be hard to find. And actually her real birthday is in April but fair suck of the sav# we have a lot of public holidays around April so it suits us better to have a day off in June.

As my Scottish grandfather Bill said, “When she sings god save Bill then I’ll sing god save the queen.” Well, that’s fair isn’t it? And to my knowledge she never sang that song. When all is said and done she’s no different to any other human being now is she? But hey – I am happy to take the day off…

* stuff all - nothing
#fair suck of the sav – come on be fair – and a sav is a saveloy or you probably know it better as a hot dog. Yes, it is a strange saying but we like it.
Go Ahead : Live with abandon. Be outrageous at any age. What are you saving your best self for?


Anny Cook said...

Ah, I get all hot and bothered when you speak strine...